2025 Top 5 CNC Busbar Machine Manufacturers
TOP 5 CNC busbar machine manufacturers have not only promoted the advancement of busbar processing technology through continuous technological innovation and market expansion, but also provided strong support for the development of the global power equipment manufacturing industry.
With the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing and automation technology, busbar manufacturing companies of different sizes have higher requirements for busbar processing efficiency and precision. As a key equipment in power equipment manufacturing, CNC busbar machines are also facing increasing market demand and technical level. The following is an in-depth analysis of the top five CNC busbar machine manufacturers in the world in 2025.
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1. EHRT North America
Founded in Germany by Dieter Ehrt, EHRT holds several patents for precision measuring systems and continues to innovate to develop modular, customizable machines that can be configured for a variety of applications. Dieter Ehrt revolutionized precision measurement with prism technology. His patents allow EHRT press brakes to precisely measure angles. With unique features such as springback compensation, EHRT’s machines are among the most accurate on the market. From simple lateral bends to the complex torsional bends required for many of today’s busbar applications, EHRT machines are accurate to within ± .20°, setting a new standard for busbar accuracy.
EHRT official website: https://ehrtnorthamerica.com/

PAYAPRESS Knowledge Company is a pioneer manufacturer of Busbar Machines, Sheet Metal Stamping Machines and Hydraulic Tools. PAYAPRESS offers a wide range of Busbar Processing Machines such as Busbar Bending Machines, Busbar Punching Machines, Busbar Cutting Machines, 3-in-1 Busbar Machines, CNC Busbar Punching Machines, etc., making it easier for users to choose the most suitable machine for their job, thus meeting all customer needs in the field of Aluminum and Copper Busbar Manufacturing.
PAYAPRESS official website: https://payapress.com/

As a leading manufacturer of busbar machines in China, SUNSHINE was founded in 1999. Its predecessor was Jinan Testing Machine Factory (an important base for the production of testing machines in China). Its busbar machine tool product series filled many gaps in the Chinese market. In 2015, it entered the global market and is committed to providing customized and economical production solutions for busbar manufacturers. Its products include 3 in 1 busbar machines, portable busbar machines, CNC busbar punching and shearing machines, and CNC busbar bending machines, which are widely used in the manufacture of high and low voltage switchgear, transformers and distribution cabinets.
SUNSHINE official website: https://www.busbarmachine.co/

4. MAC
MAC is one of the world’s largest CNC busbar machine manufacturers. Its CNC busbar machine products are popular in the market for their high cost-effectiveness and reliability. The company’s CNC busbar bending machines and CNC busbar punching and shearing machines use advanced German Beckhoff CNC systems and efficient Swiss ABB motor power systems to meet various busbar processing needs. MAC focuses on technological innovation and customer training, and provides customers with a full range of support and services through rich overseas customer technical support experience and a strong after-sales support team.
MAC official website: https://www.busbarmac.com/

5. Stierli-Bieger
As a third-generation family-owned company, Stierli-Bieger AG is the global market leader in horizontal bending and straightening machines with its own development, construction, production, assembly, marketing and sales and service departments, and in close cooperation with selected suppliers. Its customer base includes the metalworking industry and renowned steel producers, machine, ship and railway manufacturers around the world.
Stierli-Bieger official website: https://www.stierli-bieger.com/
Through continuous technological innovation and market expansion, these top CNC busbar machine manufacturers have not only promoted the advancement of busbar processing technology, but also provided strong support for the development of the global power equipment manufacturing industry. In the future, with the further popularization of intelligent manufacturing and Industry 4.0, CNC busbar machines will become more intelligent and efficient, and their application areas will continue to expand.
The above five companies represent the highest level of global CNC busbar machine manufacturing. They have their own advantages in terms of technological innovation, product quality, market share and customer service. When choosing a CNC busbar machine, investors and buyers can consider these factors comprehensively and choose the partner that best suits their needs.
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Hubungi kamiDapatkan Penawaran Harga Mesin Busbar Terbaik dari SunShine® di Tiongkok
Tinjau kebutuhan Anda dengan cepat dan berikan solusi teknis profesional secara efisien! Kami mendengarkan dan peduli dengan kebutuhan Anda. Orang-orang kami akan menghubungi Anda melalui email dan panggilan telepon dalam waktu 24 jam.
Di mana bisa membeli mesin busbar yang berkualitas dan dapat diandalkan?
Kami adalah produsen dan pabrik mesin busbar China. Silakan hubungi manajer penjualan kami Lisa (Surel: lisa@busbarmachine.co) dan menyediakan gambar busbar atau contoh produk. Kami akan mengevaluasi dan membuat produk atau produk yang direkomendasikan terbaik untuk Anda. Kustomisasi mesin busbar (fungsi atau PLC), dan penawaran teknis lengkap disediakan.
Dengan anggaran terbatas, model mesin busbar mana yang harus dibeli?
SUNSHINE memiliki mesin busbar ekonomis dan mesin busbar CNC otomatis berkinerja tinggi, dan dapat menyesuaikan rencana penawaran teknis sesuai dengan lokasi produksi pelanggan, persyaratan pemrosesan busbar, dan anggaran modal. Silakan hubungi manajer penjualan profesional kami Lisa (Surel: lisa@busbarmachine.co) untuk dukungan teknis dan layanan penawaran harga.
Selain mesin busbar, apakah Anda menyediakan cetakan busbar?
Kami biasanya memberikan beberapa cetakan busbar, termasuk pembengkokan, pemotongan, pelubangan, dan pengembosan, dll. Jika Anda memiliki persyaratan cetakan busbar khusus, kami dapat menyesuaikannya untuk Anda, dengan harga mulai dari US$40 hingga US$100.
Berapa tegangan mesinnya?
Tegangan standarnya adalah 3 fase, 220 V, 60 Hz. Tegangan dapat disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan.
Berapa lama waktu tunggunya?
Hal ini bergantung pada ketersediaan inventaris dan kompleksitas mesin busbar. Biasanya, diperlukan waktu hingga 3 hari jika kami memiliki stok busbar yang sesuai, dan untuk mesin busbar yang perlu diproduksi dari awal hingga akhir, kami biasanya memerlukan waktu sekitar 7 hingga 15 hari. Untuk mesin yang rumit atau jalur produksi busbar, kami memerlukan waktu sekitar 20 hingga 30 hari.
Apa kebijakan garansi Anda?
Kami menyediakan garansi 12 bulanan jika penggunaan benar. Akan menyediakan bantuan jarak jauh dan mengirimkan suku cadang pengganti gratis selama masa garansi.
Apa syarat pembayaran Anda?
Syarat pembayaran kami adalah pembayaran di muka 30% dan pembayaran saldo 70% sebelum pengiriman.
Bisakah Anda mengirim teknisi ke luar negeri untuk melakukan layanan instalasi, pelatihan, atau pengujian di tempat?
Semua mesin akan diuji dan di-debug sebelum dikirim. Pada prinsipnya, kami hanya menyediakan layanan debugging jarak jauh dan bantuan teknis jarak jauh. Jika itu adalah jalur produksi busbar, kami akan menempatkan teknisi di lokasi untuk melakukan servis di lokasi.
Bisakah kami mengunjungi pabrik Anda atau melakukan inspeksi di tempat?
Kami sangat menyambut pelanggan untuk mengunjungi dan memeriksa pabrik. Silakan hubungi manajer penjualan kami Lisa (Surel: lisa@busbarmachine.co) dan beri tahu kami jadwal Anda. Kami akan mengirimkan surat undangan bisnis resmi kepada Anda.
Bisakah saya menjadi distributor pabrik Anda di negara kami?
Kami sangat menyambut Anda untuk mendaftar menjadi distributor mesin busbar kami dan bersama-sama mengembangkan pasar luar negeri. Kami akan memberikan komisi penjualan yang besar dan insentif tunai tambahan. Untuk konten dan metode kerja sama tertentu, silakan hubungi CEO kami Robin (Surel: ceo@busbarmachine.co).